- Academia
- Teaching Experience
- Industry Exprience
- University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida USA
Teaching Assistant in Undergraduate Program Design Course, Spring 2012 - University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida USA
Teaching Assistant in Discrete Structures and Object oriented Design, Fall 2011 - University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS), Dhaka Bangladesh
Instructor in Computer Science Department, Spring 2009
Taught undergraduate courses (C Programming, System Analysis and Design)
- Distributed Systems Labs, Tampa, Florida, USA
Research Assistant       May, 2012 - Present - Designed and Implemented Aegis privacy framework for social ecosystems
- Analyzed and predicted user retention in community blogs building machine learning models
- Detected influential community bloggers based on network centralities
- Studied privacy concerns and user behavior in CQAs
- Showed that cross-cultural variations exist in CQAs analyzing user activity logs
- Yahoo Research Labs, Barcelona, Spain
Research Intern       September, 2013 - December, 2013 - Detected content abusers in Yahoo Answers
- Used Hadoop, Pig, Python, and R to build a data pipeline to transform raw data for analysis
- Analyzed Yahoo Answers data (more than one year recorded activity logs of 1.5 million users), created exploratory graphs, conducted statistical tests, and built machine learning models
- SoftwarePeople | Enfatico | Y & R Brands, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Software Engineer       March, 2010 - July, 2011 - Worked as a Scrum team member for the development of Agile-based software
- Used C#, .NET, MS SQL to build web-based business applications and service oriented systems
- Researched on software quality and testing, wrote research papers, awarded a grant
- Delta Life Insurance Co. Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Software Developer       September 2009 - December, 2009 - Developed “Xfer” (using C#, Oracle) to synchronizes data between remote and central servers
- Worked on the development of the official website of Delta Life Insurance Co. Limited
- Binary Solutions, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Software Developer November       2008 - August, 2009 - Developed “EasyShare” using C# and MySQL, which collects data from the Dhaka Stock Exchange server and shows comparative market situation